Tapir Action Plans
What are Action Plans?
Each of the 120 IUCN Specialist Groups is encouraged to prepare and publish a species Action Plan for their respective species. These plans identify the actions necessary for the survival of species. Action plans are designed to promote conservation action financially, technically, or logistically, influencing key players in the local, national, regional, and global levels. They provide a common framework for a range of players from decision-makers at the governmental level, to those who will implement the conservation actions on the ground. Scientists, resource managers, agency officials, funding organizations, universities, zoos, and political leaders utilize them when deciding how to allocate available resources. Action plans are also “snapshots in time”, providing a baseline set of data and information against which to measure change and monitor progress, indicating where changes of emphasis or direction may be needed to conserve the species. Further, they identify gaps in species research and policy and give direction for future endeavors on what data and knowledge are needed most.
How Are the Tapir Action Plans Developed?
During the First International Tapir Symposium held in Costa Rica, in November 2001, participants agreed that the revision and updating of the first version of the IUCN/SSC Tapir Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan (see below, edited by Daniel Brooks, Richard Bodmer and Sharon Matola in 1997) should be one of the priority goals for the TSG. An Action Planning Committee was formed and decided that Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) methodology, within the framework of the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, would be appropriate for listing and prioritizing actions for the conservation of the four tapir species and their habitats. These priority lists make up the new Action Plan.
Action Plans
Lowland Tapir
2007 Lowland Tapir Action Plan (English PDF 4 Mb)
2007 Lowland Tapir Action Plan (Portuguese PDF 2.7 Mb)
2007 Lowland Tapir Action Plan (Spanish PDF 4 Mb)
Bairds Tapir
2005 Bairds Tapir Action Plan (Spanish PDF 2.6 Mb)
2005 Bairds Tapir Action Plan (English PDF 2.6 Mb)
Mountain Tapir
2004 Mountain Tapir Action Plan (Spanish PDF 5 Mb)
2004 Mountain Tapir Action Plan (English PDF 1.9 Mb)
Malayan Tapir
2003 Malayan Tapir Action Plan (English PDF 472 Kb)